To repel insects and mice using mint

How to Use Peppermint to Keep Pests Away

Step 1* Gather Your Materials

1/2 liter of filtered water

10 drops of peppermint essential oil

A clean spray bottle

Step 2* Mix the Solution

Pour the water into the spray bottle.

Add 10 drops of peppermint essential oil.

Shake the bottle to mix the solution thoroughly.

Step 3* Apply the Solution

Spray the mixture in all rooms of your house, especially around windows, doors, and areas where pests are commonly found.

Step 4* Enjoy a Pest-Free Home

The strong peppermint aroma will help keep pests away while leaving your home smelling fresh.

This method can be reapplied as needed, and you can also place cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil in areas where you’ve noticed pests.

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